Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Book: TOS: Troblesome Minds by Dave Galantar

A well written and mostly enjoyable book with a certain lack of originality. The Enterprise encounters a telepathic alien race that does not have the apparatus for speech (Dark Page, anyone?). In the course of trying to establish communications with the Isitri, Spock gives an dangerously powerful alien an inroad to control him telepathically. Spock the steals a shuttle ( seriously, why do they not have shuttles on lock down?), placing the Enterprise and two warring alien races in danger. Only with the help of another powerful "troublesome mind" can the Enterprise crew save two alien races from annihilation.
Note of interest: In his real life, authour Dave Galantar is an employee of Gallaudat University, which inspired him to create a race that communicates with other races through sign.

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