Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Episode :TNG:Darmok

If I were making a list of Star Trek episodes you should watch even if you think you don't like Star Trek, Darmok would be on my short list. If only we were all so dedicated to communicating with other sentients as Captain Dathon. Easily one of the top three TNG episodes.

Book: Vanguard: Reap the Whirlwind by David Mack

Tird in the Star Trek:Vanguard series- set concurrent with the original series. Set mostly at the Space Station Vanguard, but with enough starship action to still be Star Trek. Along with a cadre of fascinating characters created for the book series, we get a glimpse at the early careers of Drs jabilo M'Benga and Carol Marcus. A bit slow in places, but overall a good read.

Friday, December 7, 2007

TNG Episode Review: Redemption

Probably the comsumate Klingon episode. Intrigue, fighting, drunken Kilingon brawls, a and some of my favorite recurring characters- The Duras sisters, Kurn, and Gowron.

Book review-Enterprise: Last Full Measure by Martin and Mangels

Let me start by saying I really, really like the writing team of Michaal Martin and Andy Mangels. They make the characters come alive, let you see into theri hearts and souls, and make you feel you know whyt hey do what they do.

Last Full Measure focuses on the crew Enterprise as they search for the Xindi homeworld following the Xindi attack of Earth. They do more than tell a story- the explore concepts of respect ( or lack theroef) between different service branches, how far humans should or will go to protect their own, and what drives some people to cross the fine line over to torture- and what stops others from ever crossing that line.
Highly reccomended.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Book review: Voyager: String Theory 3: Evolution by Heather Jarman

One of the problems with picking books from the library's online database is that I sometimes end up with a book that's not number one in a series.Such happened with Jarman's Evolution. Third in theVoyager: String Theory series, rhis book focusus on the Doctor, explores Ocampa's ancient history, and includes some quite amusing scenes with paris, Kim and Q. Except for the occasional run on sentence, this was quite an enjoyable read.

Ruminations on a Black Jesus from hollywoodjesus

I found this great article on spirituality in Deep Space Nine on today.

I quite enjoyed author Maurice Broaduss's perspective as a Black, Christian, Trekkie.