Tuesday, June 2, 2009

TOS: Conscience of the King

The Enterprise is diverted by a call to investigate the discovery of a foodstuff that could end famine. The call is false however; one of the few survivors of mass murder believes the actor Anton Karidian is the killer Kodos the Executioner. This suspicion is seems well founded, as he soon is murdered. Kirk has the transportation of the Karidian Players cancelled so that Karidian's daughter, Lenore, asks for his help. Spock, finding Kirk's behaviour suspicious, does a computer search and discovers the link between Kirk, Karidian, Kodos, and Kevin Riley (hey, alliteration). Riley, back in Engineering, does not sing "I'll take you home Kathleen", but instead gets poisoned. Kirk discovers that some women may seem interested in him, but are really just psychos using him like a tool.

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