Sunday, December 14, 2008

ST: Mirror Universe: Glass Empires

This book, which follows the rise and fall of the Terran Empire, is better ( and less dark) than the volume which follows.

Age of the Empress, by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore (story by Mike Sussman), has the First Empress Hoshi Sate rise to power by assassinating Jonathon Archer, Although she plans for a more benevolent empire, her strategically married husband, Shran and the rebel T'pol have other ideas. This story leaves several loose ends ( a few of them created by Arik Soong ) that I hope to find are woven in in another volume.

In The Sorrows of Empire, Spock assassinates Captain Kirk and cultivates a cadre loyal to him as a means to become Emperor- and to the destroy the illogical and unsustainable Empire. He does manage to destroy it, with the help of the Empress Marlena Moreau, Saavik, and other loyal Vulcans. The Vulcans must keep their touch telepathy secret to his generations long plan to succeed...

The final story in the volume, The Worst of Both Worlds, sees Terran archaeologist Luc Picard in the employ of Gul Madred. When Alliance Klingons beat the stree urchin Wesley within an inch of his life for trying to guard the Stargazer, Luc joins with the rebels Vash and Noonien Soong to seek the aid of a fabled advanced cut lure- the Borg.

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