Thursday, June 25, 2009

Book: Voyager: Full Circlle by Kristen Beyer

This book follows the lives of the Voyager's crew following the Borg Invasion detailed in the Destiny series. With the Enterprise shattered, the Federation had an audacious plan to determine if the Borg threat are really gone. What members of the shattered Voyager crew will be a part of this mission? How can the Federatio, and it's individual citizens, recover from such loss. Is Miral Paris really the Kuvagh'Mah, and what does this mean for her?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ENT: Two Days and Two Nights and TOS:Shore Leave

Happy coincidence had us watching these back to back. Both carry the same common theme: Shore leave is rarely as relaxing as it is supposed to be. (Of course, if it were, it would not be worthy of an episode and we would simply have a Captain's Log saying, "after an uneventful shore leave, we are on route to excitement".) Shore Leave is one of the classic episodes. It shows the different sides of the crew- we see the romantic in McCoy, and we even see a Spock that is not in control enough of his thoughts to keep himself from thinking of danger when merely doing so causes it to be. Two Days and Two Nights was one of the funniest episodes of Enterprise I have seen so far. It gives us a glimpse into why "what happens on Risa, stays on Risa".

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ENT: Desert Crossing

The Enterprise answers a distress call, and when they accept the hospitality of the captain they rendered aid to it has unexpected consequences. Yet another episode which makes mention of the need for earth ships to have a directive about interactions with alien cultures.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TOS: Blanace of Terror

Simply put, Star Trek just does not get better than this. Action, drama, love, loss, strategy and a worthy foe. And Mark Lenard.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ent: Fallen Hero

The Enterprises Shore leave is sidetracked when the Vulcan High command asks them to detour to Mazar retrieve the Vulcan Ambassador V'Lar, and then rendezvous with the Vulcan ship Sh'Raan for transfer. When they find themselves persued by Mazar ships , Archer realises there is more to Ambassador V'Lar's presence there than meets the eye. V'Lar, portrayed flawlessly by Fionulla Flanagan has got to be one of my favorite Vulcan characters, in all the series.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Enterprise: Detained, Vox Sola

Detained started out with two strikes against it in my eyes. I don't like "prison" episodes, and I don't like the Suliban. However, I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. It did a nice job a drawing a parallel with the Japenese internment camps of WWII, and was surprisingly open about the historical lesson it was trying to teach instead of being coy.

Vox Sola concerns an alien presence which takes over cargo Bay 2, and 5 of the crew. there is also the matter of a misunderstanding between the Kreetassans and the Enterprise crew, concerning the human's shameful mating like behaviour of eating in public ( makes you wonder...) surprisingly, all the red shirts survive.

Monday, June 8, 2009


IN search of engineering supplies, Archer negotiates with an alien trader. The trader cannot get them supplies, but knows of a derelict ship where they may claim "rights of salvage". Of course, the ship is haunted. The away team discovers that indeed, the ship is not empty, despite the lack of biosigns. A dampening field seems to explain this- but what it cannot explain is what the Enterprise finds in a life pod orbiting the planet. Rene Auberjonois guest stars in this episode.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Enterprise: Aquisition

One of the annoying things about Enterprise: contact with alien races that we saw supposed first contact with in later series ( whether filming wise, timeline wise, or both). Here, as we can tell by the title, it's the Ferengi. There are some very amusing moments in this episode ( as tends to be the case with Ferengi) and some stellar performances by Ethan Phillips and Jeffrey Combs.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

TOS: Conscience of the King

The Enterprise is diverted by a call to investigate the discovery of a foodstuff that could end famine. The call is false however; one of the few survivors of mass murder believes the actor Anton Karidian is the killer Kodos the Executioner. This suspicion is seems well founded, as he soon is murdered. Kirk has the transportation of the Karidian Players cancelled so that Karidian's daughter, Lenore, asks for his help. Spock, finding Kirk's behaviour suspicious, does a computer search and discovers the link between Kirk, Karidian, Kodos, and Kevin Riley (hey, alliteration). Riley, back in Engineering, does not sing "I'll take you home Kathleen", but instead gets poisoned. Kirk discovers that some women may seem interested in him, but are really just psychos using him like a tool.

Enterprise: Rougue Planet

The Enterprise comes upon a rogue planet, that has broken free from it's solar system. Despite having no sun, life thrives around hot volcanic vents. Detecting an energy signature on the surface, archer decides to take down a shuttlepod and say howdy. T'Pol advises against it, and Archer ignores her like usual. They discover a smashing guest cast portraying hunters from a planet which places great value on the hunt. When a mysterious visitor pleads with Archer for help, he discovers that these hunters prefer prey that can think.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Enterprise: Fusion

The Enterprise is hailed by a Vulcan ship of outdated design. When they render assistance, T'Pol discovers, to her dismay, they they are "Vulcans without logic" ( and , so it would seem, without vegetarianism). T'Pol warns Archer that these illogical Vulcans are dangerous- he disbelieves her, until the compelling Tolaris psychically assaults T'Pol. We learn in this episode that the mind meld has not been used for centuries, although by the time of Voyager they seem to be all the rage. With the exception of Tolaris, I found the other Vulcans quite like able ( too bad, he was the cute one).